This is one very pretty lady that I know. I saw her at the bowling alley one day. I think she was telling me how many strikes she got...or maybe it was how many pins she knocked down???

This is a cat that's been following me around for about ten years. She seems to like hangin out with me so I guess it's cool. I call her Gwen.

This is a dog that lives with me and the bowling lady. Her name is Lucy. I say that like she told me what her name was or something. She kind of looks like she is about to talk in this picture so...maybe she does? I'm not one to discourage interesting behavior.

I'm not sure if this is even a lady...but she sure is pretty isn't she?...ummm he?
That's all for the Pretty Ladies post. Now I'm going to spend the weekend hangin out with all those pretty ladies...well not the toad, she's burried in the mud in the flower bed right now. Well, it's snowin all crazy like outside right now so I'm gonna probably have to go plow some snow in the park now...Why can't it ever freakin snow at 8:00 Monday morning. It's always gotta be on the weekend so I have to go in and work.
Damn you Snow God!!!
*Shakes fist in snow gods general direction*
Is that cat wild - or just plain annoyed?
You live with three ladies and I live with three gentlemen.
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