First of all I had to share this picture I found with everyone. I was showing my coworker pictures of an old park I used to work at and I came across a picture of a house I used to live in. Neat little treasure to stumble across on the net. And no it's not the brick one, the smaller one in the background. Still was a neat house though. My landlord lived in the brick house.
So I was in the middle of my morning ritual this morning, stopping in at Dee's Mini Mart(the only place in Edgerton that sells Anything) and I came across something that I would suspect you would only see in a place like Edgerton. With my newspaper under my arm(I know I said I was going to stop reading it but I cant help myself) I was walking out the door and happened to glance over at the Flier board that they have near the exit. Now normally there are your normal "Babysitter for hire" fliers with phone numbers written on the bottom that you can tear off. Then there might be a picture of an old fishing boat with no motor for sale. Perhaps even a note to the public offering split firewood. But today I saw something I had never seen before...
The title read simply enough...."Lost". And under the title was a black and white photo copied picture of a young cow! And a hand written(not very legibly) phone number as well as...oddly enough a year 2003 was also written on the page. I thought for a second, is this when it was lost? Or is this the model year? Probably the model year.
LOST: 2003 heffer, bovine patterned, leather exterior, fuel efficient, fully organic...cow
Or: '03 heffer
BoPat, Leth ex.
Eco, Org.
As you might see it in the classifieds.
The least they could have done was give it a name or something. How are you going to know if you stumble across the right cow walkin down the road if you can see if it answers to a particular name??? Like Reggie or something.
Have you figured out how to do links, yet? You might have to switch to a different template to make it easier to see where to put them.
Speaking of making links, that lost cow is mine, Chris. I misplaced it when we were down there in October. Remember how we had those vegan breakfast links? That's because I lost the cow, which I was going to make links out of.
By the way, it responds to the name "Link". Ironic as it may be, I named it after my favorite video game character.
Holy god, Rupp?? RUUUUUUUP!!! *shakes fist*
[fist shaking for dramatic flair only, no actual anger or agression is represented by said fist-shaking]
Seems like when I get home late at nite, kick the wife and yell at the dog, my house is finally in order.
Good info here. thanks.
easy to make dog food recipes
It took me years to gather the informatino I found here in just a few minutes.
Good job! and thanks.
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Cool guestbook, interesting information... Keep it UP
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