So most of you know I live and work in a plot of land that was purchased by the county with plans to turn it into a park in the next few years. Now,
this area has a lot of prairie land some of which we have plans to return to native prairie.
Here is a picture from another one of our parks that is a few years ahead of us. Since most of this land had been farmed for so many years this process can take up to 5 years before you really start to see results. The second step in this process (after step number one which is let it sit for a few years to let herbacides disapate) is to burn and seed the area. Now in other park settings we do most of the burning ourselves but with the current shortage of staff and mostly shortage of equipment, we recruited the local fire department to lend a hand. They actually came to us with the idea since they like to do a couple burns a year for practice. I don't think Edgerton fire dept sees too many fires. So yesterday they came out and we lit some things on fire. I took a few pictures and a video for you all to look at. They're not the greatest pictures but it's always more fun to look at pictures instead of words.

Ok, now how the heck do I get a video on here?
Someone who knows how to post a video talk to me. Is there a way you can do it without adding it to another web site first? I just want to download it off my computer onto here? Help me Obe-whan-someone, you're my only hope.
on getting a video onto your web page...
i don't use so i'm not sure all the rules and such, but if you already have the video saved as an MPEG or some such thing, you should just be able to upload the file and then provide a link in your blog.
if it's not an mpg, then you need to rip the vob into an mpg first.
Sorry, I'm Obe-wan-nobody and can't help ya there.
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