Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Hunt

It's the day of the big Easter Egg hunt! The sun is out, it's nice and warm and we've done all the practicing that we can. It's time to put all that preparation to work.

Just going over the game plan one more time before the big show. "Pick it up, put it in the basket. Pick it up, put it in the basket."

The girl in the bunny suit was a bit of a surprise. They're pullin out all the stops. I didn't let it get to me though, I had a game plan and I was stickin to it.

Here's a fresh patch of good egg. No one else has found it yet, this is my chance. Yes, this is working out great.

No, A steal! That's ok, I just need to work for that rebound. Focus. They don't call it March Madness for nothin.

The final seconds... Running down the court... She shoots for the basket... And it's gooooood!

And to the winner goes the spoils.

A Lazy Sunday Morning

Avery really wanted to read the business section but she conceded because she knew that Mom really wanted to read this.

Great smiles.

Friday, March 21, 2008

This time.

38 minutes of your time can change your perception of and faith in this country for a lifetime. Watch for 38 minutes and this time things can be different. Turn it on and watch it while you fill out paper work or pay this months bills, while you eat dinner or drink your morning coffee. By the time you get half way through, your pen will be set down, your coffee will be cold and so will your dinner because these words are so engaging. That's ok though, because if enough people get this message we can all just survive on mustard and relish sandwiches for a little while.

This stuff is real. I am from a younger generation that did not experience the King's and Kennedy's first hand. I did not know what it meant to hope and believe that your country CAN be what you dream that it will. I know that feeling now.

No I don't think Barack is perfect, everyone has their faults. The difference this time is that he can admit that, and does. What I do believe is that this man can get us started on the right path that will bring us and our country where we want it to be, the place we all dream that it can be. A country that our children can be proud of and a time when our children can travel around the world, smile and be proud when they say I am an American.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Sorry I don't have any pictures today but I just wanted to share a little milestone with you all. Avery got her first Time-Out yesterday. She was getting a little too carried away pulling Gwen's tail and wouldn't listen to her mother when she told her to stop. I have to say I was amazed at how well she did in the time out considering she is only 18 months old. I think we made it about 30 or 45 seconds and only had to tell her to sit back down twice. The hardest part for me was to not let her see me laughing. I couldn't help but chuckle seeing her sitting there. I think it actually worked too. She left Gwen alone the rest of the night. That could be because while she was in time out she forgot what she was doing to get her there, but who's counting.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Graham Crackers Are Good to Eat

The weather has been a little warmer lately so we have been able to spend more and more time outside. Actually it was 70 last weekend but since then it has dropped back down around 30. Needless to say the snow is gone. Well, except for one snowbank that I see every morning on my way to work. It's been there for about three months now which is unheard of in Kansas. Granted it is only about 1 1/2 feet tall now but it's still there. Even after two days of 70 degrees. I am beginning to think that it's made out of paper mache' and someone is just playing a practical joke. Anyways, I'll keep you posted because I know you're on the edge of your seat.

Not too much going on in these pictures. I just thought they were cute.

Well there may be something in the background of this picture worth taking a look at. It's over Avery's left shoulder. I'll let you figure it out. Let's just say Paul can't brag so much about catching wildlife in action with all those "birds in flight" shots anymore. Not after this rare glimpse into the wilderness anyways.