We just got back from a Thanksgiving trip to Minnesota, and when I say "just got back" I mean two weeks ago. We had a great time visiting everyone, only wish we had more time to visit and catch up. It seems like there is never enough time for that. The grandkids made good use of their time anyways. Got in some great eating, played some Wii, talked a few old men into playing football even though they would regret it for a few days afterwords, and even took some time for a picture. Notice the uncooperative one on the bottom right. This was the best one I could find.

We also had a few days to visit up in Alex and got in some QT with Grandma, PAul and Sonja.

Some of the younger cousins were smart and spent most of thanksgiving day hiding out with all Alondra's great toys. (sorry this picture is out of order but if I tried to fix it it would only make things worse. I hope you can forgive me.)

Took advantage of some of the time at grandmas to raid her craft station.




And....a little mac n cheese

It's not hard to figure out who was Avery's buddy this trip.
We had a great time visiting. Thanks to Bro+12 for the great turkey, I wanted to eat about 3 more plates full but I held off. It was great to see everyone and we will see you again soon.
GREAT PICS CHRIS!! Ya beat Paul to the "THANKSGIVING BLOG POSTING" By an hour!!! :o) Funny...it was shortly after I spoke on the phone with both of ya!! :o) TEE HEE! But the 1st place trophy goes to Big Bro' Steve who beat ya both by 2 weeks!!! :o) I Love The second "painting!!" at Grandma's one!! AND the last one with Avery & Sonja is priceless!!! THANKS for the post!! Oh~~ I see Mom's squirrel is still stealing the bird food! Ya think he would have learned after getting his tail caught in the bird feeder!! GREAT post!!!
Hugs, your Big Sister, Janine
OPPS! The squirrel pic was on Paul's BLOG!!! Sorry got confused~~I was going back & forth on both of them checking out the pics!!
:o) Janine
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