Here are the ladies hamming it up on the beach. I think Avery decided that it's time to reapply.

Low tide was fun, the sand close to the water was just stiff enough to support a stroller. Avery was happy to have the security of her super fantastic pink stroller while she got used to the water and the waves.

Catching up with Grandma O the first evening on the beach. She was pretty excited that she was going to get to spend the whole week with TWO grandmas. Talk about getting spoiled ;)

Here is Erin and Avery posing in what I think is just about the prettiest darn light house I ever did see. If it's any conciliation for those of you who may not agree, they told us it was the second brightest lighthouse in the world. Shines 14 nautical miles...or something. They told us we could climb to the top on Tuesdays between 10 and 2 but they wouldn't unlock the doors for us. Guess they thought we might try to send signals to the space aliens or something.

We've been practicing this pose for a long time. We both decided that the beach was a good place to unveil it.

Couldn't resist taking this picture. Just a lovely stand of Bald Cypress in this swamp. I was a little concerned at first but Erin reassured us all that Gators NEVER live this far north. They're all down in Florida.


If you asked Avery I think she'd tell you that her favorite part of the beach was all the birds. She never once got tired of looking at the birds...or should I say Burbs. (She's getting closer)

Just having some fun with Grandma O.
And Having some fun with Grandma G.

Put em both together and it makes her want to dance! (if you couldn't tell Avery's dancing)

Erin and Elley decided that they couldn't resist the temptation to parasail. Even though it was the windiest day of the week and the driver told them they were nuts for agreeing to do it today. He told them that AFTER they were done.

An early morning stroll.

One last family picture just before we hit the road.
So it was a fantastic time had by all. We got to explore some neat places, saw some great critters and did plenty of relaxing along the way. Avery decided to pull out a few first while we were there too. I think she was showing off for Grandma O. She said her first REAL word, "Hello". It was witnessed by all four of us so it counts. (since then she has added "open" to her repetuar(sp?) and we swear she said "all gone" today too.) She also stood up on her own, for a second or two. And as you saw in the one picture she started to dance.
It was an eventful week.
Wish we could have snuck into your suitcase B4 you left! Can't wait to hear more stories & see ALL the photos when you take your next summer trip up to Lake Carlos State Park in Minnesota in August for the Ollig/Renslow family camp out! Be prepared for LOTS of smores & we may even get you up on the skis behind the boat! Promise...NO CROCS in this lake! :o) Janine
LOVE the photo of Avery in the sand on the beach too!! You could send a print my way!!!!!!!!!
Nice gator. Always wanted to see one of those. And I think Avery is destined to be a birder like her favorite uncle that she's never met. Oh, and you've been tagged.
Take me next year! I love the beach and cute little babies!
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