Tuesday, April 03, 2007

This ones a little out of date.

So I'm a little slow on the draw gettin these pictures out. I've been busy with "things" you know. But now I have reserved approximately 10 minutes to post some pictures and write some words of wisdom.

These pictures were from the weekend before last when we went to Julius's 2nd birthday party. It was quite an experience for Avery since there were somewhere between 30 and 580,000 kids there. Actually it was quite an experience for us too considering we don't make it round big crowds very often any more.

The exciting part is that she let just about anyone hold her without a fuss. I think she's finally getting over her shy stage. Well there were balloons there to distract her also.

But first some pictures of the girls.

Teal Girl, Teal mom, Teal room.

25 weeks, workin out the squeaks.

Grandma Elley warms my belly.

Uncle Cam likes green jelly jam.

Lee, Sue and Rob, dweedle dweedle bob.

Cousin Hannah Mott, she does this a lot.

Cousin Noah...chocolate ice cream.

Sorry man, I couldn't think of a rhyme.
I just really wanted to eat some ice cream.


grrrbear said...

Does it ever frighten you when the girls are all wearing teal and they are both in the teal room so that their bodies blend into the walls and they look like a couple of floating heads?

Cuz that would freak me out...

kippur said...

That'show they do that!!!