Saturday, January 13, 2007

I think I finally figured it out.

I've been doing this long enough now that you would think that I would know how to add videos by now. Well lets see if I do...


Well I hope you all enjoy it.
Just in case that doesn't work--> click here

While I'm here I have to add one more thing. I was just recently introduced to video game "emulators". The one in particular is the NES emulator. I now have the program and 719 NES games on my computer, and it's AWESOME!

Old games that I spent far too many hours of my youth playing like metroid,
section Z, and of course one of the most addicting games in history, Arkanoid!. Of coarse there were also the classics like all the marios, skate or Die, Tysons Punch out. and 712 others.

So if anyone of you want to waste more of your life than you already may have when you were in 7th grade then let me know, I could copy you a disc and mail it to you. Or you could download one yourself im sure. They're free.

Ok, that's all for today.


Anonymous said...

Your video thing will not let me see it. It just says loading for like 20 minutes and stays there!!!


kippur said...

I know, must be screwed up somewhere.

kippur said...

ok, let me know if it works now.

Anonymous said...

It works!! Looks like she likes the flower toy she got from someone for Christmas! CUTE BUTT Avery!!
;O) Auntie Neen

grrrbear said...

OMG you realize you've just posted video of naked children on the internet? I'm surprised the feds haven't kicked in your door by now...

As for the emulators, I'm sooo with you. Even though I still have my old NES from high school that I use to play Tecmo Bowl, sometimes it's fun to use the emulators when I'm on the road. Check out - you won't be disappointed.