Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sandy McBeacherson

My only goal on this trip is to get rid of my sock tan. Makin solid progress on that one.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you are gonna get a flip flop tan instead! ;o)
That's better than a sock tan tho!
We went to a light house in Qregon too! It was much shorter though~ The lady working there said the ones on the West Coast are shorter cuz they sit up high on cliffs instead of down low in the sand. Looks like the girls are enjoying the sandy beach! LOVE the GECO post! Are they IN your house? Or outside on the porch?
Keep having fun!
Hugs~ :o) JANINE

P. Ollig said...

Looks as though you guys have the entire beach to yourselves. Is that because so many people are avoiding the gulf due to the spill, do you think? Or are the pictures just misleading?

Can you smell any oil in the air? How about tar balls...seen any of those on the beach?

It looks like you all are having fun.

kippur said...

No Paul, there is no oil anywhere near us. unfortunately for the folks west of here I think it's all moved that direction. It's beautiful here. I think it's quite a bit more quiet here than places like Panama Beach in a typical year anyways. It seems a little more quiet than I expected so perhaps people canceled their vacations. Either way it's wonderful here. Saw about 5 or 10 jellyfish on the beach this morning as well as a whole bunch of big ol crabs in the water trying to snip at my toes.

kippur said...

oh, and the pictures are a little misleading. There are other people here. It's not crowded AT ALL though.

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