Saturday, November 01, 2008

A Bug's Life.

Another wonderful Halloween for the record books. Ok, so no records were broken that we know about but it's just more fun to say that way. Avery was very excited to get her Lady Bug costume on but once it was showtime she got a little shy.

But only for a second, then it was off to the races.
After we did the rounds we spent the evening on the front step handing out candy to strangers. I guess it's ok when it's the other way around. Avery made certain that everyone got a piece.
Then she danced a little in hopes that it would lure more kids to our door.

Here is Tuppy in her Bee costume. Avery asked me on Thursday if Tuppy could come with trick or treating. Obviously we said yes but we said she would need a costume so Avery suggested that she dress up like a bug. So there you have it. Tuppy as a bug.

Round about 8:30 we were all starting to wind down and get ready for bed.
But not until after one last dance!


Anonymous said...

Ya sure got some cute BUGS living @ your house!! Looks like Avery & Tuppy had a great time!!!
:o) Hugs, Janine

czahr said...

I see Avery has been reading Kafka again.

kippur said...

Call me illiterate...what does Kafka say about ladybug costumes?

czahr said...

You should take more of an interest in the stuff your daughter reads. Sheesh! :p

Anonymous said...

She is too cute! I love the luring trick-or-treater dance. :)