Saturday, May 12, 2007

Here's the new place.

ok, a few disclaimers before we begin. First, don't mind the mess, we're still unpacking. Second, it's hard to take good pictures of the inside of a house. They turned out ok but it's hard to really get a feel for it. The outside pictures turned out pretty good so we'll start with those. Oh, and I forgot to take one of "the house". Oops. And it's dark now so you're outta luck. I'll get to that sooner or later.

Front yard

Front yard

Back yard



Livingroom(and avery)

Kitchen(plus a mess)

hallway to bedrooms

Avery's room

Family room downstairs

Office downstairs
Well, there you have it. We should be done unpacking everything in the next month or two. Actually we've been moving pretty quick on that so we should be done soon. Now you all just need to come visit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy Cow!!!! Its huge compared to your old house!! I cant wait to come see it!