Monday, October 23, 2006

1 Month!

Ok, we made it 1 month. What did we win?

And she's actually growing too, so we must be doing something right!

Here are a few other pictures I thought were fun.

And can anyone tell me what this thing is??

Saturday, October 14, 2006

3 Weeks Old

Here is her 3 week picture. With a bit of strategic propping she is able to sit up on her own.

Apparently she already has a taste for Old Navy and Gap cloths...I think I'm in trouble.

Everyone here is doing great. One more week of vacation for me and then we'll see how good I am at multitasking with work and baby. Grandma Ollig is coming to visit on Thursday and Avery is very excited to meet her. I know I know, she can't talk yet. I'm not crazy, thinking my three week old daughter is talking to me. ...She typed it on the computer.

2 Week Picture

Thursday, October 12, 2006

2 Weeks and Sniffling

Well we're coming up on the three week birthday. I can't wait, I love cake. Of coarse she can't eat solid food yet so Erin and I have to eat it all but what are you gonna do...?

Anyways, she didn't waste any time getting her first cold. It's been a little over a week so she's about all done with it. Still a few boogers here and there but feeling much better I'd say. In case you were wondering, it's not much fun for a two week old to have a cold. The nose is a lot smaller but the snot is the same size. But she's lots better now.

Here's the two week picture. Not quite filling this outfit yet but she's working on it.

--ok this dumb site wont let me upload pictures today so I guess it'll have to wait.--