Saturday, July 15, 2006

For all of you who have been asking.

I know there are a lot of you that don't live in Kansas that have been asking to see pictures of Erin's belly. In a normal situation that might seem a little weird. Considering the circumstances though I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

This first on is out near the bean field. If you look close I think you can see Lucy poopin in the background. And I know you all want to see that.

Here is another out by the beans.

Now here are a few in the nursery. All that's left to do is a little decorating....Finally!

Next to the crib.

And one for good measure.

Well there you go. Erin has been really disapointed that her belly button hasn't popped out yet. No really, I'm not kidding. When it does I've told her we can have a coming out party. I'll try to take some pictures if that ever happens. I'm sure it'll be something to see.


czahr said...

wow, the little critter is growing fast! that's quite a difference from when Anj and I were down there at the beginning of june!

Anonymous said...

Yeah that wife of your sure is a plumper.

grrrbear said...

She seems to be growing taller too...look how much bigger she is than those clothes hanging up in the closet! Eek! A giant!