Friday, December 28, 2007

Tis the seasoning.

Merry Christmas everybody!

So we made it through all our holiday plans without a scratch. Well, aside from my front bumpers run in with a frozen Iowa snow drift, but we wont talk about that. As you'll see from these photos we had a great time. It got a little stressful on the drive home (Minnesota decided it wanted to throw us a farewell party on our way south). Thanks Minnesota, always so thoughtful. Such a pal. Once the 30 mile per hour-white out-white knuckle-joyride was done it was smooth sailing the rest of the way (cheese and all). Anyways, here are a few pictures of some of the things we got to do over the holidays.

We got to play in the snow in Minnesota AND Kansas this year.
See if you can figure out which is which.

We got to spend a little time with the Belle Plaine Ollig's on our way up nort'. Avery had a lot of fun!
Maybe a little too much fun. Rick, were you feeding her Keystone?

Avery at Grandma Jan's, opening her barn.
Shout out to all the little people! Whoot-Whoot!

Great Grandma let Avery wear her magical cape while we visited. Didn't quite get the hang of the magical part yet. We'll save that for next time.

I didn't think it was that cold at Grandma Elley's but I guess you do what you gotta do.

What can I say, the kid's got skills!

Also an entrepreneur I guess. Making Alondra pay a toll to sit in the chair.

But it was sure worth it!

You said it kid.

Mom's always got a little extra lovin for her girl.

Well, there you go. A smattering of stuff, things and everything in between. There are a few more pictures left on the camera so if your favorite was left out don't you worry your pretty little head, they're coming. And all you folks with not so pretty heads, don't you worry either.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

--- :) ---

Avery really get's into her music. Here she is sitting in her drum.

Picking a tree

I'm not feeling very wordy today so you're just going to have to make up your own story. I'll start you off. We went to the tree farm...

Saturday, December 01, 2007