So I guess I better post something on here before I forget how.
Just in case you were wonderin, YES it is hot here.
You may have noticed that I am not using any abbreviations anymore. Well, for those of you who use mozilla you may have the same problem. Every time I try to use an apostrophe it clicks to this stupid search thing and takes my cursor away from the page. How annoying. I am surprised it did not click away when I typed out apostrophe. Stupid digital age.
Maybe my battery is just running out in my wireless keyboard. I guess I shouldn't rush to judgment......Did you just see that? I snuck one in. I win!
So in other news: In case any of you that fall into the lower to middle class haven't been convinced that it is a really bad idea for you to vote republican yet here's a nice little bit of tid for you. Congress just voted down a proposal to increase minimum wage. That's almost 10 years! Have any of you gone 10 years without a raise??? Well, if you're a member of congress you've barely gone 1 year. Yes, they gave themselves a raise after voting down the minimum wage increase! $28,000 worth.
Pluckers! (you guys really didn't think I was going to swear did you?)
Pardon my non english to all the younger folk here reading this but I can't help it.
If you youngsters get anything out of this, just remember one thing. Get a job in congress, it pays better than taco bell.
Now that I'm 31 I can refer to anyone under 25 as a youngster. It's in the rule book, look it up.
I guess my punctuation started working again.